
Ted Kallmyer, M.Ed.
Coach and Author.

“Using a highly individualized and flexible approach to nutrition, I have seen my clients achieve amazing transformations. They are transformed not just physically but in their attitudes towards food and in learning to love themselves again.

You are not alone. Changing how you eat can be difficult, but I’m here to help.”


Ted Kallmyer “Coach Ted” has coached over 1,300 people using a flexible macro-based approach to dieting.

He developed The Macro Solution system for Healthy Eater and uses the system himself to further reach his fitness aspirations. You can read more of his story here.

Ted is also the author of the Meal Prep Cookbook for Men. This book contains 75 recipes and six weeks’ worth of meal prep.

You can also find Ted on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.


Ted has a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in education. He is an ISSA Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition and a Certified Fitness Trainer.

About Healthy Eater

Healthy Eater is a nutrition and fitness resource that equips individuals to take attainable steps toward a better lifestyle with scientifically-supported information and tools.

There are no “quick fixes” when it comes to dieting, and the only way to achieve lasting change is to change nutritional habits for the better and do so consistently over time.

We reach over 2 million readers annually and have individually helped over 13,000 individuals with their weight loss and transformational goals.

If you have a question about Healthy Eater, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.