Recipes and Meal Ideas

Use Meal Prep to Nail Your Weight Loss and Fitness Goals

By Ted KallmyerUpdated September 11, 2022
meal prep

One of the biggest obstacles people have when it comes to getting fit and losing weight is time. The meal prep concept seeks to overcome this obstacle by giving people an arsenal of healthy prepared meals to have on hand throughout their busy weeks at work or taking care of their families.

This is exactly why I wanted to write a book that covers the basics of meal prep along with 6 weekly prep menus and 75 recipes in total so that people don’t have to “guess” at what to eat or be at the mercy of what’s ever in their fridge or the fast-food restaurant on their way home.

My book is available on Amazon and is titled, Meal Prep Cookbook For Men

My publisher wanted me to gear it towards men but all the recipes can be adapted easily by simply adjusting the serving size. This way anyone can use it no matter what your calorie or macro goals may be.

The Basics of Meal Prep

If you’re new to the meal prep concept it basically works by spending a few hours a week prepping just about all your meals for the week ahead.  This way you have healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners in your fridge, that just need to be reheated quickly in the microwave.

One shopping trip each week (or you can even have your groceries delivered) and one cooking session. While the cooking session may last a few hours, it is outlined to be streamlined by learning to cook several dishes at the same time.

In the end, this is way less work and prep if you were to prepare three healthy meals each day. 1-2 hours prepping and cooking each day converts to about only 2-3 hours total doing the meal prep method.

Weekly Meal Prep Plans

My book contains six meal prep plans to use and they are divided by which type of exercise a person typically does; strength, cardio, or a mix of the two.

Here’s a sample of what one week looks like.

sample meal prep week

You simply grab the meals that you have prepped from the fridge when you need them according to the schedule. This way you avoid eating the same thing two meals in a row and you use up all your prepared meals that given week.

Meal Prep Recipes

The core of any effective meal prep-based diet plan is to start with delicious recipes that store and reheat well. I developed all of these recipes myself and they are new recipes as well as healthier versions of classic recipes.

When planning the recipes, I avoided ingredients that would dry out or get soggy after storing and reheating. This means that the recipes will taste just as good reheated as they do right after cooking them.

I also developed the meal prep recipes with minimally processed ingredients but instead focus on simple whole food ingredients that are quick and easy to prepare. I avoided hard-to-find seasonings and spices and tried to keep things as beginner-friendly as possible. Therefore, you don’t have to be a seasoned chef to prepare any of my recipes.

The 75 meal prep recipes are divided into breakfasts, side/snacks, mains, and desserts. All of the recipes are complete with calorie and macro counts for people who are counting their macros.

Here’s a sample recipe:

sample meal prep recipe

Other essentials

In my Meal Prep Cookbook, I also include the following as a way to help people be as successful as possible.

  1. A whole chapter about nutrition and how to use the right nutrition to reach whatever your fitness goals may be.
  2. Another chapter on how to efficiently meal prep including what equipment you need, how to organize your cooking, and which containers are the best to use for storage.
  3. I include complete shopping lists for each of the 6 weeks of meal prep. That way you know exactly what to buy or have on hand to cook each weekly prep recipe.

Overall, using meal prep can be an effective way for busy people to eat healthily and achieve their weight loss and fitness goals without the stress and time it takes to plan and cook daily healthy meals.

meal prep ted kallmyer

My Meal Prep Cookbook is available on Amazon in both a paperback and Kindle format.

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